Sunday, September 6, 2020

"semi-trailer on fire as it was driving south ...."


The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog posts transportation incidents for a myriad of reasons. Primarily, we hope our readers will realize that safety does not end when the product ships from their facility. Here is a recent incident.

For the second time this week, a semi-truck caught fire on I-94 in Racine County, Wisconsin on August 14, 2020.

Racine County Sheriff's officials say a deputy on patrol just after 1 a.m. Friday was on I-94 near Highway G when they saw a semi-trailer on fire as it was driving south on the interstate.

Sheriff's officials said the driver of the semi pulled over at Highway G. At that point, the rear of the semi-trailer quickly became fully engulfed in flames.

According to sheriff's officials, the deputy pulled over next to the flaming semi , and alerted the driver, who was unaware that his trailer was on fire.

Thankfully no one was injured in this incident. The news article does not state how long the truck was on fire prior to be pulled over by the police. But, we assume that the truck was on fire for a period of time. Even how random this incident may seem it still can be used to educate truckers to always be aware of what is going on with their trailer.

We have yet to see the police dash camera. But we believe that once the truck was stopped the flames grew larger. One wonders if the truck (albeit on fire!) could have made it to a pull off area. At which time the trailer could be dropped and the tractor pulled away. Who knows, we are just ecstatic that no one was injured in this incident.

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