Sunday, December 6, 2020

"lost his life after falling from about 3 meters....."


Working from height is a known hazard throughout our industry. The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog has posted incident after incident on this topic. We talk about this topic to workers, especially maintenance workers. Here is a recent story.


The worker, who lost his balance while cleaning the workshop in Turkey, fell from about 3 meters and died.


According to the information received, the employee who worked in the aluminum joinery workshop, lost his balance while cleaning and fell on the concrete floor from about 3 meters and was seriously injured.

The injured worker, who was taken to a nearby hospital, could not be saved despite all the interventions of the doctors.

Police teams continue to investigate the incident.

We offer our sincere condolences to the deceased worker’s family, friends, and coworkers. The news article is like so many that we have found. It lacks detailed information. We do know is the worker was cleaning at a height of 3 meters without a safety harness, or it was not properly secured or the securement failed. Regardless, the worker fell 3 meters onto a concrete floor and died from his injuries.

We would challenge the reader to ask their workers the following question. “during your work day, do you have to work above the ground?” The vast majority of workers will say “no”. Any worker who answers “yes” further investigation needs to be conducted to see what tasks/procedures require them to be working above the ground. Please note take special consideration to any maintenance work on top of machinery. We know of too many incidents involving workers falling off of machinery that they normally would not be on top of.

Light Metal Age magazine had an article on slips, trips, and falls.

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