Sunday, April 18, 2021

"employer ..cited for ..violations related to COVID-19 protocols."


Throughout this pandemic COVID transmission within workplaces has been a very real concern. Local, municipal, federal regulations regarding informing health authorities when a worker is diagnosed vary around the world. Here is a recent incident where a company appears no to have informed pertinent health officials of a positive COVID worker:


A fifth employer in (name omitted) County has been cited for workplace safety violations related to COVID-19 protocols, state workplace officials report. 


(Name omitted) Township manufacturer (aluminium company) was fined last month by the (state name omitted) Occupational Safety and Health Administration.


(State name OSHA fined the (name omitted) manufacturer $2,500 "for violations of COVID-19 workplace safety requirements including not contacting the local health department when a known positive COVID-19 case was detected at the workplace."


A message seeking comment was left Monday morning with (aluminium company ceo).  The company was also fined an additional $2,500 for other workplace violations unrelated to COVID-19.  An employee complaint prompted an inspection of the business.


According to (local state) OSHA, company corrected the violations and the case is closed. Earlier this month, manufacturing and construction saw the second highest number of outbreaks by industry, surpassed only by school outbreaks.

State health officials reported April 1 there were 141 newly reported or on-going COVID-19 outbreaks associated with manufacturing and construction in the state. The state's outbreak report is updated at around 3 p.m. on Mondays.

We pray that the worker who tested positive recovers fully from the coronavirus they contracted. We also pray that upon being diagnosed that the worker properly quarantined from loved ones as required. Covid-19 is a hazard. Just like any other hazard in our industry if a worker becomes infected, or injured in accident involving any another hazard, companies are required per law to report these incidents to the proper authorities. As this company has learned there are financial consequences for not following the pertinent safety regulations during this pandemic.


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