Thursday, April 22, 2021

"investigating the cause of the fire in the machine...."


On our travels we always ask production workers “when was this plant’s last evacuation drill?” If a worker can not remember when it was quickly, then it has been too long. Here is an incident that emphasizes the need for evacuation drills:


One day during the first week in March, 2021 a fire started at a unit of the company in South America. In the images made with a cell phone, it is possible to see the fire in one of the equipment in a shed.


According to the Fire Department, the flames reached one of the four rolling mills used in the manufacture of aluminum rods. The fire was controlled, and according to the fire department and the company, no one was injured.


The aluminium company also requested expertise on the spot, but said it was investigating the cause of the fire in the machine.


We are thankful that no one was injured. The flames and smoke generated from this fire was tremendous. We have seen a video of the smoke billowing from the factory and it was amazing. Anyone in that factory would have had difficulty time getting out safely if they did not evacuate immediately. It is imperative that companies instruct their workers to evacuate immediately upon hearing the siren. Any delay in evacuating could result in their injury or death. The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog has posted incidents where workers got lost and/or disoriented evacuating a plant and perished. We simply do not want anyone to ever be injured or killed at the workplace.

What caused the fire, we would assume it was flammable hydraulic oil. We know it is assumption, and could be wrong


When was the last time your plant had an emergency drill? If you do not know. It is about time that you have an emergency drill.


Please comment.



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