Thursday, September 30, 2021

accident occurred because of a “misunderstanding” ....1 dead.

The rail transportation of bauxite from where it is mined to where it is shipped is done daily with no incidents. Unfortunately, incidents do occur. Here is a recent incident highlight the hazards of rail transportation.


Two trains operated by aluminium company collided in a capital in a West Africa  country one morning during the week of September 21, 2021, killing one person and wounding eight, officials in the West African state said.


An aluminium company labour union delegate , told reporters that the accident occurred because of a “misunderstanding” when a train carrying bauxite broke down in a suburb of the capital at 5 am yesterday.


“The technicians were struggling to fix it and get it back on track when another train loaded with bauxite collided with the train,” he said.


One person was killed and eight people were wounded in the crash, the aluminium company labour union delegate said, adding that it also caused “very large” material damage.


A yellow locomotive could be seen jutting up from the train track, with rust-coloured bauxite ore spilling out of derailed mine carts behind.


The aluminium company labour union delegate said that communication had been faulty“all along the line . It's unacceptable,” he added.


A fire brigade officer who was at the crash site, warned that the death toll was likely to rise given the severity of some of the injuries.


“We'll leave it to the company to deal with the consequences of this accident,” he added, noting that an official investigation had been opened.


We pray for the deceased worker’s family, friends, and coworkers. We also pray for the injured workers and/or bystanders that they recover fully from the injuries.

Initial reports are there was a broken-down train. The personnel on the stopped train was unsuccessful in warning the other train on the same line that they were stopped. The second train unaware of the danger crashed and derailed. The accident resulted in at least one fatality and at least 8 injured. It is unknown the severity of the inquired. 


When further information is released we will update this post.


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