Thursday, September 2, 2021

"and in safety issues, it's absurd...." said the union president


The reporting of incidents to the property government authorities is mandate by the law in most countries. When companies do not workers know. Here is a recent news article that came a light because the union publicized the safety incidents that have gone unreported.

Workers at a remelt plant in South America had a stoppage one day in July 2021, in protest of two serious accidents and the lack of negotiation of the (contract maters).

According to the union, recently an employee from the production sector at got his hand stuck inside a machine and had four fingers crushed. On the same day, another employee at the forklift workshop fell on top of a sharp object that pierced the tendon in his hand.

According to the president of the union, the organization has criticized the lack of personnel with which remelt company has operated, which is overloading the workers. In both accidents, the union guided the families and demanded that the factory do the documentation for these cases.

Other incidents have also taken place. Within a month, there were two falls from the overhead crane hook in a location close to employees. The lack of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is another problem. Many workers are wearing the same mask four times longer than they should.

Another reason that was on the protest's agenda is the lack of (contract maters). More than two months ago, the company should have started discussions, but it continues to delay, refusing the union's request for opening negotiations.

“Last year it was necessary to go on strike to have (contract maters). This lack of transparency, both in production numbers and in safety issues, is absurd. It is a complete disregard for the worker's life. Today was a time of stoppage, but if nothing changes, the protests will increase”, said the head of the union.

We pray that the two injured workers recover fully from their injuries. We also pray that the remelt company will view the union as partners and not adversaries. Regardless, all companies should follow their pertinent law by informing the proper government safety organization of incidents as required.

Our world has a circumference of over 40,000 kilometers. No matter how large our planet is. Our industry is small. We have driven by this remelt facility in the past. The next time we will schedule a visit.

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