Thursday, September 16, 2021

"killed in an explosion at an aluminum factory..."


Around the world the terms aluminium furnaces and aluminium boiler are synonymous. So, when we are told of a boiler explosion at an aluminium factory. We know it was a furnace that exploded. Here is a recent incident emphasizing the hazards of furnaces or boilers.

The accident took place around 7:30 pm one evening during week of August 15th in South Asia.

He was rushed to the emergency department of a local Medical College Hospital in critical condition and was pronounced dead by the on-duty doctor at around 9.30 pm.

Colleagues of the deceased said that the boiler exploded while making pots and pans at an aluminum factory. At this time some part of molten aluminum was put on the worker’s body. He was seriously injured. He was rushed to the local Medical College and Hospital where he was pronounced dead.

The local Medical College Hospital police camp in-charge (inspector)  said the body was kept at the medical college hospital morgue for autopsy. The matter has been informed to the concerned police station.

We pray for the deceased worker’s family, friends and coworkers. The news media articles do not provide much information other than the furnace exploded and molten metal came into contact with the worker. We would assume that the worker’s clothes were not fire resistant and ignited. Sadly, many incidents where workers die from molten metal explosions occur when their clothes ignite. That is why it is imperative that all workers are required to wear the proper clothing when handling or in the vicinity of a furnace.

We will reach out to the appropriate government safety organization in this country for further information. We will update this post as further information is brought forth.

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