Thursday, February 3, 2022

Five hours to extinguish an aluminium fine fire....


The aluminium fines or dusts generation, accumulation, collection, and disposal is done for the most part in our workplaces safely. On occasion a fire, flash fire, or explosion will occur. Here is a recent incident highlighting the hazard of aluminums fines.


A fire broke out in an aluminum alloy factory in a country in East Asia late one night in December 2021. The fire department dispatched a large number of personnel to rescue it. The fire did not go out until 4:30 this morning, and the dust collection room of the factory was torched , fortunately no one was injured.


The local Fire Department stated that the fire occurred at 23:13 last night. The fire department immediately dispatched 14 vehicles and 28 people including three fire departments to rescue. Commanded the rescue. Although the fire was controlled within 20 minutes, it was not easy to extinguish because the scene was burning in the dust collection chamber of the aluminum alloy factory. The fire was not extinguished until 4:35 this morning. The burning area was about 20 square meters. casualties.

We are very thankful that no one was injured nor killed in this incident. Sadly, the countries in Asia know too well the hazards associated with aluminium fines. Over the past 10 years over 150 workers in Asia died from aluminium flash fires and explosions. Because of the horrific catastrophes our industry has acknowledge the hazards associated with aluminium fines.


Light Metal Age will be having an article on this topic in the near future. The Aluminium Times Magazine had several articles on this topic. The Aluminium Times magazine articles can be downloaded here.

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