Saturday, March 19, 2022

"heard a loud noise, like an explosion, minutes before ..."

For the companies not operating around the clock 7 days a week. Do they plan for emergencies when there are no workers present? Such as on the weekend or holiday periods. Here is an example of a plant fire that occurred when the workplace was closed.

The major fire that hit (company name omitted), a company located in the municipality of (town name omitted), this Monday, 28, may have occurred due to the overheating of machines that worked all night. The possible cause was disclosed by Lieutenant Colonel of the 5th Fire Battalion, during an interview with a journalist from a local radio.

According to the fire department, the guard who was on duty the night of the fire heard a loud noise, like an explosion, minutes before the flames appeared in the enterprise. "We cannot specify the cause, but we understand that it may have been a short circuit, as well as the overheating of the aluminum casting machines. The Experts will, at the right time, say what happened", said the colonel.

At the site, the presence of materials such as LPG, diesel oil, paint, cardboard, tow and aluminum objects helped in the proliferation of the flames. On video, the footage shows objects being thrown upwards due to the force of the fire.

At around 7 pm on the 28th, the local fire-fighting garrison was called by the distributor's watchman. Upon arriving at the scene, the team found that the fire was of major proportions and also informed the fire brigade of (town 15 km away) in search of support. The two teams remained at the site for more than four hours and used about 80,000 liters of water to put out the flames.

"We had difficulties with access, the factory did not have any side access and, next to it, there was another factory. Our fear was that the fire would spread to the other building, which also had a very large diesel oil tank", said the lieutenant. -Colonel, noting that firefighters had to break open the front and back gates of the property to put out the fire.

According to information from the Fire Department, the distributor of household items and computer items worked during the day, which is why there were no employees on site, with the exception of the watchman. Three sheds were affected by the flames. No one was injured in the fire.

We are thankful that no one was injured. For companies that close their workplaces it is important that they educate the local fire department on what hazards and combustibles they have in their workplace. We recommend the aluminium company provide plant tours to the local fire departments for two reasons. First, the fire department can respond quicker, and second it is safer for the fire department to have the education and knowledge of where, what, and quantities of hazards and combustibles in any workplace. This incident was unique that the flames sent burning combustibles into the air. Thankfully those burning embers to not ignite other fires.


If your workplace closes. Are you prepared?


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