Thursday, May 12, 2022

"The deceased connected the gas pipe...."


The use of natural gas to fuel furnaces is commonplace. The hazard of maintaining the furnaces when not fired is well known. But still incidents occur. We pray that this incident will be used by aluminium companies as a learning tool.

The state inside the factory is a steel roof structure with a high ceiling. Inside, a large melting furnace was installed to melt the metal. Gas is used as fuel to be sent to the melting furnace piping system. After the accident, soot from the explosion spread throughout the factory.

In the morning, technician (name omitted) and his men came to repair the gas pipes in the factory. The deceased connected the gas pipe.

Before repair, the gas valve system was closed. However, it seems that there was still gas left in the pipeline, and it exploded violently when sparks came out. The four injured are being treated at the hospital.

We offer our sincere condolences to the deceased worker’s family, friends, and coworkers. Workers who maintain furnaces need to double check their procedures and never skip steps. The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog has post numerous incidents involving the maintenance and re lighting of gas furnaces.

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