Monday, July 11, 2022

" lost a leg after aluminum material fell on him...."


The hazard of lifting items by overhead cranes or hoists is hazard workers commonly overlook. Complacency of these tasks occur overtime. Here is a recent incident emphasizing the hazard of lifting items in our workplaces.

A worker at a company in Southern Europe has lost a leg after aluminum material fell on him and his limb was trapped, as reported by the Emergency Information and Coordination Center (CICU). The work accident occurred one day during the week of June 19, 2022 at 2:20 p.m. in a company on (address omitted) while the man was working. The local medical team has assisted the 29-year-old worker, who presented multiple injuries with amputation of one leg. After stabilizing him, the wounded man was transferred to La Fe de València in the advanced life support ambulance.

We pray that the injured worker recovers as much as they can under the circumstances. We hope that the injured worker is provided with both mental and physical rehabilitation. We have found that companies all too often will offer mental health counseling for a short period of time.  When they should offer it for a longer period of time, even for years.

Though the news media lacked the specific information regarding what task the injured worker was performing when the incident occurred. From our experience if a stack of material fell over on top the worker the news media would have stated that. We assume that the incident occurred during a lifting process with a hoist or overhead crane. We have toured countless plants where lifting straps or lifting cables are often overlooked in terms of excessive use prior to replacement. When we find out further information about this incident we will post it.

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