Monday, September 19, 2022

"Neighbors heard a bang and then saw a large plume of smoke"


Sounds emulating from aluminium factories reaching surrounding neighbors is occasionally a problem. Typically, a nuisance to the near by residents. Here is a recent report that only came to light because such a nuisance.


The fire broke out in the company's foundry. The company's internal fire brigade was quickly on site and was assisted by the pumpers of the (local community) fire brigade zone.


The fire started around three o'clock. Local residents heard a bang and afterwards saw a large plume of smoke. It wasn't until around 7 a.m. Monday morning that the fire department got the fire under control. No one was injured, but the damage to the installations and to the roof of the building are extensive. 


We assume no one was injured because the news media did not mention it. The aluminoum company did not issue a press release on the incident. Which we feel is a mistake. In this time universally around the globe our industry is in flux with older workers retiring at an alarming rate. Recruiting workers who will make a career in the aluminum industry is the challenge so many companies are faced with.


When incidents such as this come to light. We assume it was from a local resident that contact the news media. Because the aluminum company nor the local fire company issued a press release or posted on social media. Some aluminum companies fail to realize that when they fail to comment on an incident they are allowing the news media’s information (rightfully or wrongfully) become fact in the minds of the local residents. Once a workplace gets the moniker of being “unsafe” it may not go away and good luck recruiting new workers. It is always better to issue a press release than not.


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