Thursday, November 17, 2022

"Employees of Novelis did a good job ....."


In our workplaces the threat of a fire is very real. On our travels we explain to our hosts that it is not if a fire is going to break out but when will a fire break out. Here is a recent example of that hazard.

Employees of Novelis did a good job extinguishing a fire in a machine on Friday evening, according to Assistant Chief of the Dennison Fire Department.

He said the fire was out when firefighters got to the aluminum processing plant at 6:56 p.m.

The loss was valued at $2,000 due to the inability to use the equipment until it was repaired, Assistant Chief of the Dennison Fire Department said. He said the fire was caused by friction within the machine.

Fans were used to clear smoke from the building.

Also responding were firefighters from Uhrichsville, Warwick Township and Smith Ambulance.

Firefighters left the scene at 7:51 p.m., an hour after they were called, Assistant Chief of the Dennison Fire Department said.

We are ecstatic to cover an incident where no one was injured. This Novelis aluminium plant had the correct procedure when a fire broke out. 1st call the fire department; 2nd address the fire. All too often companies fail to follow the 1st procedure and waste valuable time and fail to notify the fire department immediately. The issue is a delay in notifying the fire department can result in a small fire growing larger by the time the fire department arrives.

Keep up the good work Novelis Uhrichsville.

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