Friday, January 20, 2023

"died crushed by a heavy sheet..."

The hazards associated with loading and unloading of trucks in our workplaces is sometimes overlooked. It is only when a near miss or an incident occurs does the aluminium company acknowledge the hazards associated with these tasks. Here is a recent tragedy emphasizing the hazards associated with loading and unloading trucks.

64-year-old haulier died crushed by a heavy sheet of metal he was unloading from his truck. It happened this morning inside the (company name and city location omitted). On the spot the health personnel and the carabinieri of (location name omitted). The military are working to establish the exact dynamics of what happened.

According to the first leaked information, he was at work in the (name omitted) , a company that produces integrated aluminum systems, when a heavy sheet of metal allegedly fell on him, crushing him.

We over our sincere condolences to the deceased worker’s family, friends, and coworkers. We are at loss on what to write. After 13 years and over 1000 fatalities we understand the magnitude of this incident on the worker’s family. It is simply heartbreaking. We pray that they remember their loved one on how he lived and not sadly how he died. We pray that this incident, this horrific tragedy will be used in workplaces around the world to make workplaces safer and hopefully this never, ever happens again.


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