Thursday, January 12, 2023

"He received serious injuries from which he died..."


When allowed to speak to only one department in an aluminium plant. We request maintenance. Why? Because no other workers are exposed to more hazards than maintenance. Here is a recent incident highlighting the hazards in a maintenance department.

A commission chaired by a senior state labor inspector completed an investigation into a fatal accident that occurred in (location name omitted) at the end of October 2022.

Recall that on that day, on the territory of the foundry of (company name omitted), located on (name omitted) Highway, during the repair of the hydraulic cylinder of the furnace, its cover fell on a 50-year-old repairman. He received serious injuries from which he died in the hospital.

The commission found out that the causes of the incident were the imperfection of the technological process and the unsatisfactory organization of work.

Thus, the enterprise did not have technological documentation for the dismantling and repair of the (name omitted) furnace, indicating safety measures and a list of the equipment used. Also, there was no proper control over the repair - the work was carried out with the lid raised, and when dismantling the hydraulic cylinder, it abruptly fell on the repairman, crushing him to the furnace.

The commission also found the officials responsible for the violations. The materials of the investigation against them were sent to the investigating authorities.

 We offer our sincere condolences to the deceased workers family, friends, and coworkers. We pray that this tragedy will be used to prevent another one. That is our sincere hope.

 We acknowledge that the news article does not provide much information. But, what information it does provide can be used in a toolbox talk. This incident occurred during maintenance of a hydraulic cylinder on a furnace. The incident occurred during the dismantling task. Apparently, the item was not secured or the securement failed resulting in the cylinder falling and forcing the worker to the furnace. It is unknown if the furnace was operating and if the sides of the furnace were hot to touch.

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