Sunday, January 8, 2023

"some people have burns all over their bodies...." UPDATE

The accumulation of fines, dust, shavings, grindings in our workplace is common. Without proper engineering controls and good housekeeping this accumulation can result in an ever-growing hazard. A hazard waiting for an ignition source. Here is a recent incident emphasizing the hazard of aluminum fine accumulations.


On the morning of the 29th, there was a fire at an aluminum recycling plant in (location omitted), and six people who were working there suffered burns and other injuries and are being treated at the hospital.


Shortly after 11 a.m. on the 29th, a worker reported to the fire department that a dust explosion had occurred at the (name omitted) Plant of the (name omitted) Aluminum Works location omitted.

The fire was extinguished about three hours later, but according to the police, six people working in the factory were taken to hospital with burns and other injuries and are being treated.

The exact extent of the injury is not known, but there is information that some people have burns all over their bodies.

On the 29th, the factory was not in operation, but maintenance and cleaning work was being carried out, so the police and fire department are investigating the detailed cause of the fire.

On the other hand, according to the police, a fire broke out in another building at this factory on the 28th, when a burner ignited in aluminum dust, burning about 1,700 square meters.


February 5th sadly we found out atleast one worker died from their injuries. We found this by an aluminium company press release. We assume the other workers survived and are recovering from their extensive burns. But, we don't know that for a fact. 

We pray that the workers injured recover fully from their injuries. We are concerned with “some people have burns all over their bodies”. That leads us to question if the workers’ clothing was nonflammable. We would think it was not. Because, if they were wearing non flammable clothing I would have expected burns to be confined to the hands and head region. Regardless, we believe all workers should be clothed in non-flammable fabric.

We will update any information on this incident that comes forth.

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