Friday, March 24, 2023

"sparks from the hand grinder inadvertently ignited aluminum dust..."


We are always reluctant to make an assumption about the root causes of an explosion. We can make assumptions, but that is all we can do until an investigative report is released. Many times one is not released. But, thankfully this recent incident was investigate and a press release regarding the root cause investigation was released. Lastly, our mantra is not to place blame on the company nor the worker(s). It is our sincere hope that by bringing awareness to these incidents we can prevent a recurrence. Our mantra has not changed for 13 years and we pray it never does. Here is the story:

On Monday, March 20, 2023, the (local) Department of Public Safety (GDPS) Fire Investigation Unit conducted an origin and cause investigation into the explosion incident occurring at (aluminium wheel manufacturer), on Friday, March 17, 2023. Investigating the incident were Public Safety Officer and Fire Investigators (names omitted), both trained in fire and explosion investigations. (company) Facilities Manager also assisted in the investigation as well. Specific agents from the ATF, also specially trained in explosion investigations, provided support during the examination of the incident area. While conducting the inquiry, the evidence showed an employee was utilizing a hand grinder as part of a maintenance project in the foundry area. While performing the repair work to a piece of machinery, sparks from the hand grinder inadvertently ignited aluminum dust in the vicinity of the labor being executed. This ignition of dust set off the explosion transpiring on Friday night. 

As for the employee who was transported to the hospital after the incident occurred, (local department public safety) was advised he is continuing to recover and his condition improves daily. “Having a comprehensive, independent investigation by the outside parties yielded the determination of an accidental incident on Friday night,” said Interim Director (name omitted). “We appreciate the partnerships involved as we moved forward with the origin and cause examination and determination, and the collaboration between everyone assisting with determining what happened in a very quick, professional manner.” Firefighters from three different departments worked together to extinguish the fire, which was contained to the foundry area of the plant. Based on the metal and dust in the area, firefighters used on-site dry chemical powder extinguishers to mitigate the incident. Suppression crews systematically extinguished the fires within the plant and on the roof area, which lasted a few hours. The incident was declared under control at 0147, approximately four hours after the initial call was received. Command was terminated at 0300.

There was one individual who was injured and we pray that they recover from their injuries.

So, this incident was an aluminium dust explosion. Sadly, this location has had nearly five incidents over the years and three within 8 months. As with most catastrophic explosions. Smaller explosions that are not fully investigated can recur and overtime grow larger in size until the catastrophic explosion.

The Light Metal Age magazine had an article on this topic.


Aluminium Times magazine had two articles on this topic.


All of these safety articles and more can be found here. They are free. 

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