Monday, April 10, 2023

"the gunman was not thought to be an employee...."

Workplace violence is a topic that many companies are reluctant to discuss for fear that their workplace contributes to this issue. Here is a recent incident that highlights the number one fear from workplaces. An unauthorized individual at the workplace:

Police shot and wounded a man armed with a gun Saturday night outside the an automobile stamping plant, according to a news release from the City of (name omitted) Police Department.

The man, who was not authorized to be on the property, brandished a weapon when asked to show his hands, the news release said.

"Upon arrival, officers made contact with the subject outside of an employee entrance area," the release said. "The suspect was given several commands to show his hands, in which he responded by displaying a handgun. The officers continued to give the suspect verbal commands to drop his weapon, when he pointed the weapon at officers. Of the six officers on the scene, one officer fired his weapon one time striking the suspect."

(local) police, assisted by County Sheriff's Office deputies, had responded to a 911 call just after 7 p.m. at (street address , according to the news release.

Following the shooting, law enforcement officers "immediately began to render aid" to the wounded man, the news release said. (Local) Fire Rescue transported the man to a local hospital, where he was listed in critical condition Saturday. An update on his condition had not been provided by police on Sunday.

Police in (town name omitted), contacted by the (local news media) Sunday, said they had nothing to add to the news release and referred all questions to the State Police.

"We don't have any statements to make other than to confirm that (local) Police have asked us to investigate the officer involved shooting," State Police told the (news media) Sunday. "We are doing that, and our report will be sent to the prosecutor upon conclusion."


(auto company) spokeswoman told the (local new media) that the automaker is cooperating with police on the investigation.

A source with knowledge of the situation said the gunman was not thought to be a (automobile company) employee.


The gunman died of his wounds.

We would be remiss if we did not offer our condolences to the deceased individual's family, and friends. 

We are thankful no workers were injured or killed in this incident. It is unknown why the individual went to the auto stamping plant. Let alone why the intruder entered with a workplace with a gun.

Unsecured facilities are one of our most common observations on our plant tours. We acknowledge that in some instances due to the layout of the workplace (e.g., multiple buildings, location of parking lots, etc.) that it is not possible to have a fence. A fence and one entry and exit helps minimize the potential for an intruder to enter the workplace. Also, we have to be honest. Countless workplaces were built before the hazard of intruders into the workplace was commonplace. Sadly, it is. The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog has posted numerous incidents with intruders entering a workplace.

The Aluminium Times magazine and Light Metal Age magazine had articles about this topic. They both can be found here:

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