Monday, October 30, 2023

"second and third degree burn injuries...."

High voltage in our workplaces is commonplace. Knowing where those high voltage lines are paramount prior to beginning any maintenance activities. Here is an incident from a few months ago that highlight the danger of high voltage lines.

A heavy law enforcement presence was seen in one morning after a man was severely shocked by high voltage lines. The scene happened in the (location omitted) in mid-August 2023. According to officials, the victim was electrically shocked.

According to Fire Chief, high angle rescue crews were deployed to the victim. The victim has second and third degree burn injuries.

Fire Chief says the victim is being treated at a local hospital but will likely be transferred to a burn specialty clinic.

Officials believe the employee was part of the (an aluminium) Foundry.

So, the accompanying news video states that the worker was in a high lift that came into contact with high voltage lines. The worker sustained injuries and need to be rescued from the high lift as it was extended in the air. We pray the injured worker recovers fully from their burns.


We firmly believe every incident can be used as a toolbox talk to reinforce or highlight a specific hazard in your workplace. We pray that you will use this incident to educate maintenance personnel and outside contractors using highlifts in your workplace.


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