Sunday, December 17, 2023

"The stove in which he poured thinner exploded....."

Our workplaces are large in area. Rarely are the workplaces heated during the winter. Some workplaces will have small, localized heaters designed to keep nearby workers warm during their tasks/procedures. The fuel and lighting of these small heaters is a hidden hazard in many plants.

The stove in which he poured thinner exploded. In the incident that took place in the (name omitted) district of (city omitted), the worker was seriously injured when the stove exploded as a result of pouring thinner into the stove that was lit for heating by a worker working in a workshop.

The other day, 3 workers working in the aluminum workshop operating in (location omitted) district lit the stove to warm up. A worker named (name omitted) emptied a part of the tin filled with thinner into the stove to ignite the stove. The worker, who tried to pour thinner on the stove again when the fire lost its effect, was caught in the flames as a result of the sudden explosion of the stove.

(Worker) who was trying to get rid of the flames and running around the workshop, was intervened by his colleagues working in the workshop. After the incident was reported, police and medical teams were directed to the scene. (worker) who was seriously injured by the explosion of the stove, was taken to the hospital and treated after the first intervention was made by the medical teams.

We pray that the injured worker recovers fully from their burns. We would recommend that wood fired stoves be removed from this and any workplace.

We pray that someone will read this post and understand the hazard associated with wood fired stoves in a workplace and take action to make their workplace safer.


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