Sunday, May 12, 2024

"Vegetation fire near smelter..."


Fires are our industry’s worst nightmares. Sometimes the fires occur outside the factory gates. Here is a recent incident highlighting the hazard of fires outside the workplace.

A vegetation fire at (location omitted) saw firefighters work till 5.30am Monday in order to extinguish the blaze.

Fire and Emergency (country name omitted) responded to calls of a vegetation fire near (smelter name omitted), at 10.46pm Sunday.

Shift manager said at the height of the fire they had three fire crews, three water tankers and multiple support vehicles at the scene.

The fire was brought under control “fairly quickly” but crews remained at the scene until 5.30am to make sure the fire was completely out.

Shift manager said a fire investigator went to the scene Sunday night and may be back later Monday morning.

Thankfully no one was injured in this incident. We reported on incident where the road to the aluminum plant went through desolate area. The vegetation in the area caught on fire. Workers in route to their jobs had to abandon their vehicles and run for their lives. Thankfully this incident was not a repeat of that horror.

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