Thursday, May 23, 2024

"was seriously injured under the forklift...he died"

Preventing moveable equipment and pedestrians from meeting is the goal of every workplace. Here is a recent tragedy emphasizing these hazards.


An accident occurred at around 13.30 in an aluminium factory (location name omitted).

According to (the government safety agency’s) report, while landscaping was being done at the factory, the forklift driven by 25-year-old (name omitted) went out of control and hit worker (name omitted). In the accident, (pedestrian name omitted) was seriously injured under the forklift, and health and police teams were dispatched to the scene upon notice.


(Name omitted), who was pulled out from under the forklift by the teams, died despite the intervention of the doctors at (hospital about 15 kilometers away), where he was taken.

While (the deceased’s) body was taken to the morgue of the (coroner) for autopsy, the forklift driver, (name omitted), was detained by the police. An investigation into the accident has been launched.


We offer our sincere condolences to the deceased worker’s family, friends, and coworkers. 

We pray that this tragedy and every post on this blog are used to make your workplace safer.

Please comment.


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