Sunday, September 1, 2024

"death of a worker due to a LPG gas leak.."


The use of compressed gases is commonplace in our workplaces. The accidental release of any gas in our factory is a serious concern. Here is a recent incident highlighting the hazard of gases in our workplace.

On one day May 2024, an incident was reported from (company name omitted) Aluminium Factory, in the (name omitted) Industrial Area of (name omitted), resulting in the death of a worker due to a LPG gas leak. The deceased, 23 years old, hailed from .

The police said that during investigation it was revealed that production in-charge (name omitted), safety officer (name omitted) and other officials, including the factory management, failed to ensure the provision of adequate safety equipment for the workers.

We offer our sincere condolences to the deceased worker’s family, friends, and coworkers. We have reported on compressed chlorine gas leaks before. But, never before LPG. Thankfully, the leaked gas did not reach an ignition source.

Though the news media does not provide much information. We pray that the reader will take it back to the workplace and ask “What happens if we have a compressed gas leak?” That simple question can lead to a workplace becoming safer.

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