Sunday, September 8, 2024

"during the maintenance of a vehicle that transports aluminum coils."


Maintenance department is the deadliest department in our industry. Why? Because maintenance personnel are exposed to more hazardous on a daily basis. In addition to the nature of their work with moving around a department or entire plant. They are exposed to more moveable equipment than any other worker. Here is a recent incident highlighting the dangers associated with being a maintenance worker.

One day during July 2024, and aluminium plant worker in (location omitted) held a strike to demand transparency in the investigation of the death of a factory employee last month.

According to the union, the protest denounces a series of problems about the fatal accident that occurred a month ago. The act lasted an hour and should be repeated in the other shifts.

The worker, 27, suffered the accident in the cold rolling sector, during the maintenance of a vehicle that transports aluminum coils, called AGV. This was the second fatal accident at the company in eight years.

The union reported that the company's board of directors committed to allowing representatives of the entity to follow the investigations and call when there was any movement of the vehicle from the accident.

In addition, new complaints emerged that these vehicles had electrical failures too frequently, including failures in the control panel.

The excessive working hours were also criticized again in the protest. According to the Union, there are sectors such as Refusion in which 12-hour workdays, which are irregular, occur daily. The act was also part of the mobilizations for the Wage Campaign.

The factory operates in the aluminum industry and employs 1,500 workers in (location omitted).

Remember the case

A 27-year-old man died after suffering an accident while working at the (company name omitted) plant in (location omitted) one day in July of this year.

The victim suffered the accident during the maintenance of a vehicle that transports aluminum coils, in the Cold Rolling sector. The man was admitted to the (nearby) Hospital after being hit by a machine at work and did not resist his injuries.

The deceased worker was a maintenance technician and was engaged. The victim's father and brother also work at the factory.

We offer our sincere condolences to the deceased worker’s fiancé’, family, friends and coworkers. We pray that the company will find out what occurred and prevent a recurrence.

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