Here is a positive story coming out of the Middle East. The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog has a story of how safety plays an important role in one Middle East aluminium company.
Over the past 30 years the Middle East aluminium industry has grown to become a dominant player in the our industry globally. With that growth the aluminium companies in the gulf region have challenged their own workers to be leaders not only within their companies, but within our industry as a whole. Safety has been a priority for the Middle East smelters from day one. Here is another story how one Middle East aluminium company, Aluminium Bahrain (ALBA) uses safety to boast production and the bottom line. Here is the story:
Over the past 30 years the Middle East aluminium industry has grown to become a dominant player in the our industry globally. With that growth the aluminium companies in the gulf region have challenged their own workers to be leaders not only within their companies, but within our industry as a whole. Safety has been a priority for the Middle East smelters from day one. Here is another story how one Middle East aluminium company, Aluminium Bahrain (ALBA) uses safety to boast production and the bottom line. Here is the story:
Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba)'s commitment to boost productivity, increase capacity and
enhance reliability of Pot Lines 1 and 2 were bolstered with the successful
completion of Pot Lines 1 and 2 Recitformers Replacement-one of the first brown
field projects of this magnitude anywhere in the world.
entire project - managed by Alba Power Project Department with their primary
contractor Alstom Grid SAS - was complete with over 1 million work hours
without a single Lost Time (LTI).
Chief Executive Tim Murray complimented the project team on this achievement
during a ceremony held recently at the Alba Club.
the event were Alstom Grid SAS management as well as Alba's Power station
director, and m.embers of the Power Project department who were involved in the
recitormer replacement project.
The new
units were custom made for Alba by Alstom Grid SAS. They are packed with 30 per
cent higher capacity equipment while some units are being installed with
cross-connection facilities to provide additional back-up power to Pot Lines
on the recitformer replacement project, Alba's Power Station Director said,
"The completion of this project will secure continued supply of power to
pot lines 1-3, and thus, accommodate the recent increase in metal
production, and also, the planned growth in productivity at the plant. The team
faced severe challenges during the project execution phase and yet were able
to complete the entire project without a single loss time injury. I would
like to congratulate for this accomplishment, and for demonstrating that
placing safety as a priority does produce results."
Congratulations to Aluminium Bahrain for once again taking the lead in safety not only in the Gulf Region, but the aluminium industry as a whole!
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