Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Interesting Presentations at ET 2012 in Miami.....

At ET tomorrow is an interesting presentation revolving around safety and production in a cast house. It is a topic that is discussed around the world in our industry. How does a cast house minimize production shutdowns while ensuring a safe working environment by utilizing safety pit coatings (such as Wise Chem E-212-F). It is a careful balance to ensure that the concrete, steel, and stainless steel substrates are coated with an approved safety pit coating. As industry backed studies have proven an area as small as 4 square inches of exposed bare substrate can be an initiate a molten metal explosion. This presentation reviews the processes and strategies to ensure a long life cycle of the coating resulting in minimizing  production interruptions.

Thursday, May 17 at 11:30-11:55 AM 
at Glimmer Room 1-2

Minimizing Production Shutdowns Through Effective Application and Maintenance of Safety Pit Coatings

Industry sponsored testing has proven that specific organic coatings (e.g., Wise Chem E-212-F) applied on concrete and steel substrates assist in the prevention of molten metal water explosions in aluminium plants.

Upon repeated exposures the coating surface sacrifices itself upon contact with molten metal to prevent an explosion from occurring. Eventually the coating surface exposes the bare substrate (e.g., concrete, steel, stainless steel). Additional studies have shown that a bare spot as small as 4 sq. inches (25.4 sq. cm) in the safety pit coating surface can be an ignition source for a molten metal explosion.

Repair of the damaged coating surface was time consuming and commonly affected production. Recent introduction of Wise Chem repair kits enable the quick repair of damaged coating surface. They have minimized and in most instances eliminated any disruption in production. In addition proper cleaning, surface preparation, and application of the safety pit coating can minimize production shutdowns and extend life cycle of safety coatings.

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