Thursday, May 24, 2012

Two Workers Hurt in a Vapor Incident?

Two weeks ago in the Midwest United States, two workers were hurt in a vapor incident at an automobile engine casting facility.

One was taken to the hospital. 

Company spokesperson told local radio, the workers were hurt when water or moisture came into contact with hot metal Thursday afternoon.

The plant is open and the workers are expected to be OK.

The APSB has never heard of an molten aluminium steam explosion referred to as a vapor incident. Nevertheless in this incident moisture and molten aluminium came into contact and two workers were injured. The exact circumstances are unknown, except for that it was raining prior to the incident. The factory was built around 1920. One possible theory is that the factory roof had holes in it that allowed for the water to enter.

The APSB wishes the injured workers a quick recovery.

Have you ever heard of a molten aluminium steam explosion referred to as a vapor incident? Please comment.


  1. Over the years I have heard many ways spokespeople have described their company's incidents. Not all have made sense. I normally just chalk it up to the experts not explaining it correctly to the speaker... or the speaker not taking notes.

  2. It is a pleasure to see a posting that is not trying to sell metal or advertise a position. Thank you for the reference.

  3. APSB wonders if a vapor incident is recordable on the OSHA 300 Log.


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