Sunday, April 28, 2013


Worker's Memorial Day is observed every year on April 28. On this day we honor the men and women who suffered work relegated injuries and death.

What does safety mean to you? 

Is safety personal or impersonal to you?

If safety is personal to you. There's a reason for that. There's probably a name of a coworker (or relative) of yours who was injured or killed on the job. You probably occasionally remember their name, you remember the accident. Or you might remember them every day. It is because of their injury or death that you take your own safety and the safety of your coworkers seriously.

On April 28 we honor those workers who have died on the job, to acknowledge the grievous suffering experienced by families and communities, and to recommit ourselves to the fight for safe and healthful workplaces for all workers. 

Further information about Worker's Memorial Day can be found at Occupational Safety & Health Administration (here). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention information about Worker's Memorial Day can be found (here). Wikipedia's site for Worker's Memorial Day can be found (here).

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