Monday, May 6, 2013

Worker Killed at Anode Facility....

Here is a recent story of a fatality. There is little information available to this story.
A Canadian smelter said it has suspended anode production at its aluminum smelter in Quebec while it investigates the cause of a accident overnight that killed a worker at the facility during the week of April 28, 2013.
The accident occurred early morning, a company spokeswoman said the company will make no other details available while it investigates the cause, she said.
The local union in Quebec, said the accident victim was a woman.
'People in (the plant) are quite shaken. They've been through a lockout, so it's a big family. They're very close to one another,' said a union spokeswoman.
The anode operations will remain shut until further notice. Aluminum production is not affected, the company spokeswoman said.
Carbon anodes, which are made from petroleum coke, liquid pitch and recycled carbon material, are used to pass an electrical current through alumina to convert it into aluminum.

Update, the plant has reopened.

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