Monday, April 21, 2014

"suffered a severe and needless injury that could have been avoided"

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog has posted the importance of identifying false safety beliefs in our plants. False safety beliefs are habits or practices that overtime have been thought to be safe but are actually not. False safety beliefs result in needless injuries and deaths in our industry. False safety beliefs can begin when a lack of knowledge transforms into a habit or a practice. Overtime those practices are assumed to be safe. It is only after an incident resulting in an injury or death that the practice is found to actually be a hazard. Here is a story where a worker was operating under a false safety belief:

An engineering firm located in the United Kingdom has been fined during the week of February 9, 2014 after a worker sustained a serious foot injury when lifting equipment failed at company premises.

The worker, who does not wish to be named, was struck by a falling 400kg die that was being transported across a tool room at the aluminium extrusion company back in mid 2012.

Although the top half of the die was secured to the crane by eye bolts, the bottom half was secured only by a G-clamp. As it was being moved, the bottom half fell away and struck the worker on the left foot.

Two of his toes, including his big toe, were so severely injured they had to be amputated. He was unable to work for several months, although has since returned to work for the company.

The Local Magistrates’ Court heard during the week February 9, 2014 that an investigation by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) identified concerns with the lifting operation.

The incident could have been prevented with the use of a robust strap fitted across both halves of the die to prevent the two halves from becoming detached.

The court was told the company could and should have done more to ensure the lift was safe.

The aluminium extrusion company was fined a total of over £15,500 after pleading guilty to a single breach of the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998. After the case, HSE Inspector said:

“This employee has suffered a severe and needless injury that could have been avoided if the right accessories had been used.

“Companies must adequately plan and organise all lifting operations – including consideration of the lifting accessories that are being used, and assessments on how lifts are carried out.”

The APSB wishes that the injured worker is provided with rehab and mental health services to recover as much as one can from his injury.

The Occupational Safety & Health Administration has many useful documents regarding lifting devices. One such document can be found here.

The Health & Safety Executive has information and guidance about how to prevent injuries when carrying out lifting procedures can be found here.

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