Friday, April 18, 2014

"the fire....went undetected by the plant personnel.."

Here is an incident where a fire occurred unbeknownst to the aluminium plant. The fire was reported to the local authorities by someone outside of the aluminium company. Here is the story:

City firefighters extinguished a blaze on industrial equipment within the Alliance Castings plant at 1001 E. Broadway St. one afternoon during the week of April 8, 2014.

The fire was on a conveyor belt that carries salt. Firefighters responded after noticing smoke drifting from the plant.

“No one was working in the area of the fire, so it went undetected by the plant personnel,” said Assistant Fire Chief. Damage was estimated at $10,000. As of Monday, the cause of the fire was not determined.

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog wants to commend the aluminium plant and the local fire department for working together (safely) in extinguishing this fire quickly. The APSB recommends that aluminium plants at minimum once a year give a plant tour to the local fire department. The tour should involve all the management of the fire station. This will enable the fire department to be aware of the layout of your facility. Including the location of any hazards and shutoff valves. Does your plant offer tours to local e.m.s. departments? If not, you have to ask why.

Please comment.

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