Thursday, May 29, 2014

Congratulations Capral Aluminium !!!!!!!

Improving safety in our plants is a continuous process in our industry. Companies that involve their workers in the process tend to have more success in reducing injuries. Here is a recent example of a company that involved their workers in reducing injuries:

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog would like to commend Capral Aluminium on their initiative to reduce injuries in their facilities. In addition APSB appreciates that Capral Aluminium publicly released information on this initiative. It is the hope that companies can get ideas, motivation, etc. to begin their own initiative. Congratulations Capral Aluminium!

Please comment.


  1. Excellent, fairly simple ideas from the people carrying out the work, who are the best people to talk to about solutions to the type of issues experienced by this company.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Thanks for the comments. I think the old US NAVY acronym KISS is sometimes forgotten in manufacturing today. KISS stands for "Keep it simple, stupid". Not that our workers are stupid in anyway, but that simplicity works the best. It is only when involving the workers who perform the actual functions or duties can one determine a possible safer method.


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