Monday, June 2, 2014

it could have been exponentially worse....

The hazards of working with aluminium fines/dust are known throughout our industry. Managing that hazard on a daily basis is a challenge, but the alternative is a fire and/or explosion may occur. Here is a recent story that emphasizes the need for mitigating aluminium fines/dust accumulations.

A company was recently cited by the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for one willful and nine serious violations of workplace safety standards. The inspection followed an explosion and fire in November 2013, which inflicted third-degree burns on a company employee.

OSHA cited that the company failed to prevent and protect its workforce from the fire and explosion hazards of reactive, combustible metal powders, such as titanium and aluminum alloys, which are used in the company's three-dimensional printing process.

"The fire and explosion hazards when working with titanium and aluminum are established, particularly when the materials are in powder form," said OSHA's area director. "Just as it's easier to start a campfire with kindling than with logs, it's easier for a metal fire to start when you're working with metal powder that is as fine as confectioner's sugar."

The company failed to eliminate known sources of potential ignition and follow pertinent instructions from equipment manufacturers, and did not alert the local Fire Department to the workplace presence of hazardous materials. Additionally, the company located an employee workstation and flammable powders next to an area with explosion potential.

In addition to the fire and explosion dangers, other serious hazards included the use of unapproved electrical equipment; electrical equipment and wiring that were unsuitable for a hazardous location; failure to train employees on chemical hazards and safeguards; failure to supply employees with all necessary protective clothing, equipment and training; no written respiratory protection program; and failure to post danger tags in potentially explosive areas.

"Establishments that use metal powders in this new technology need to scrutinize their processes and take steps to prevent and protect their employees from fire and explosion hazards that arise with these materials," said OSHA's acting regional administrator. "The market for 3-D printed parts made from titanium and aluminum alloys includes the automotive, aerospace, defense, medical, dental and jewelry industries. Basic safety measures must be incorporated into this 21st century technology, so that it can grow without harming the employees who are building this new industry."

One willful violation, with over a $10,000 penalty, was cited for the company’s failure to have any Class D metal fire extinguishers. OSHA found that the company knew that titanium and aluminum fires cannot be extinguished with a regular fire extinguisher or with water, and knew that its manufacturing process presented potential fire hazards; however, there were no Class D metal fire extinguishers on-site during the explosion and fire. A willful violation is one committed with intentional disregard for the law's requirements, or with plain indifference to worker safety and health.

Nine serious violations, with over $45,000 in penalties, were cited for the remaining hazards. A serious violation occurs when there is substantial probability that death or serious physical harm could result from a hazard about which the employer knew or should have known.

The APSB prays that the injured worker was able to recover fully from their physical and any mental injuries they had suffered from this incident. This incident could have beeexponentially worse. The extinguishers that were not the Type D extinguishers that are required to put out metal fires. The extinguishers used could have resulted with the dust becoming airborne.

Here is a video of a small amount of aluminium dust/powder igniting:

Last year the Aluminium Times Magazine had an article about aluminium fines/dust fires.

The Aluminum Association (USA) has an informative document titled "Guidelines for Handling Aluminum Fines" which can be found here.

On June 11-12 in Ontario, California the Aluminum Association will be covering aluminium dust safety at their Cast House Safety Workshop. Information can be found here.

OSHA released a new document titled "Firefighting Precautions at Facilities with Combustible Dust", which can be found here.

For unknown reason(s) this company did not have a class D fire extinguisher on its premises. All companies that generate aluminium fines/powders are required to have a working and inspected class D fire extinguisher on its premises. OSHA has some useful information regarding the different types of fire extinguishers. Which can be found here

Here is an informative video on the various types of fire extinguishers:

In addition this company did not inform the local fire department of the hazards in their plant. The APSB recommends that annually the local fire department be provided a tour of your facility at which time they can learn the layout of your facility and locate the hazards as well as the shutoffs values/switches to the public utilities. A lack of knowledge of what hazards are in our plants can result in injuries and fatalities. The next issue of Aluminium Times Magazine will have an article about the importance of communication between the aluminium plants and local emergency management service (i.e. fire departments).

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