Monday, April 20, 2015

load of stacked aluminum fell on.....

The handling and storing of materials involve diverse equipment such as forktrucks, overhead cranes, chain cranes, pendent cranes, etc. As well as the use of the ropes, steel cables, nylon straps, steel chains, etc. to lift the loads. Here is a recent story emphasizing the importance of safe handling and loading of materials in our industry

One day during the week of March 8, 2015 in Turkey a one-ton load of stacked aluminum fell on a factory worker, who was rushed to a hospital where he died despite attempts to save his life. The accident is reportedly under investigation.

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog offers our sincere condolences to the deceased worker’s family, friends, and coworkers.

The moving of material in our facilities is so commonplace that sometimes workers take the operation of moving material for granted. This incident as well as the other incidents on the APSB can be used as examples on what could go wrong when moving material.

The condition of the lifting straps, chains, etc. needs to be watched for excessive wear. What is excess wear? The poster bellows show some examples.

The Occupational Safety Health Administration has a useful document titled “Guidance on Safe Sling Use.” It can be found here.

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