Friday, April 24, 2015

struck in the head in an accident involving a forklift............

Most personnel in our industry come into contact with one or maybe even two hazards on a daily basis while performing their duties. On the other hand maintenance personnel deal with many more hazards during the course of their day. Here is a recent story:

A man died one morning during the week of March 1, 2015 after an industrial accident at a scrap company in the United States.

Officials with the local police department were called to the scene around 9:15 a.m. The victim was apparently struck in the head in an accident involving a forklift in the maintenance shop at the property. OSHA is also now involved in the investigation into this accident.

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog offers our sincere condolences to the deceased worker’s family, friends, and coworkers.

On our travels the APSB has had the opportunity to speak to plant personnel about the importance of safety. Prior to visiting a plant we contact the plant manager and the ehs manager to inquire on what they want out of our visit. Typically the plant manager and the ehs manager will have 4-5 safety issues that they would like to be covered. As well as a general safety message to be mentioned. It is that message that the APSB interwines in our presentation. Our goal is not to make the presentation about us, but for our presentation to reinforce the safety message that the plant manager and ehs manager has put forth (typically with support of company management). In other words our presentation(s) put forth the company’s safety message but through a different style and technique. With that said, the APSB normally speaks to all the workers (which can lead to long days) and then afterwards meet individually with the casthouse and maintenance departments. We enjoy most of all the opportunity of speaking to the maintenance department personnel. We kindly refer to them as the ghosts of the plant because they can be in one location one moment, and another location the next. Their job is so dangerous that having the opportunity to provide a short presentation showing recent incidents involving maintenance personnel is one of our highlights when visiting plants. Our goal with each presentation is for the attendee to take the message of safety to their heart.

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