Monday, February 8, 2016

fourth threat in a month.....

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog has posted incidents about workplace violence. Ranging from terrorism, to weapons, to physical assaults. This story involves bomb threats that have been made repeatedly to an aluminium company. Here is the story:

A fourth bomb threat in less than a month was found by an employee at an aluminium casting company.

The employee found the threat written on the stall wall in a men’s bathroom at 2:18 a.m. one morning, according to local county police. The building was searched and no bomb was located.

The incident remains under investigation, police said.

However, a man was arrested in connection with two bomb threats made at the aluminium company that occurred the day before.

The man was arrested on felony intimidation charges and booked into the local County jail.

Police said the first threat was found by an employee in the men’s bathroom and the second threat was a threatening phone call stating there was a bomb inside the business.

A similar threat had been made to the business two weeks earlier when police searched the building for bombs and/or suspicious packages. No items were located, according to police.

The incident remains under investigation, police said.

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog commends the local police department on investigating these incidents. For two of the incidents an individual has been arrested and charged with a crime. We hope the other bomb threat investigations will result an arrest.

The financial cost of a bomb threat can be calculated for each instance. The amount of downtime and loss of production would be two variables need to determine the cost of a threat. Calculating the mental cost on workers of a bomb threat is difficult to calculate. We hope that the workers who suffered under numerous bomb threats take each and every one seriously and follow the procedures outlined in their company’s emergency management plant.

Does your receptionist and/or person who answers the phone have quick access to the following document? If not they should.

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