Wednesday, February 10, 2016

"“In Alba we want people to live and breathe safety"

Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C (Alba), one of the leading aluminium smelters in the world, launched the ‘Safety Hour’ Campaign on February 02, 2016 to elevate safety levels at workplace and increase employees’ awareness towards safety in general.

On our travels around the globe visiting plants we are invited to speak to workers about various safety topics. Almost all plant managers will ask beforehand if we can talk about the importance of good housekeeping. The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog has posted incident after incident where poor housekeeping resulted in an incident. Here is a recent story of an aluminium company that acknowledges the importance good housekeeping plays with promoting a safe working environment.

Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba), one of the leading aluminium smelters in the world, launched the ‘Safety Hour’ Campaign on February 02, 2016 to elevate safety levels at workplace and increase employees’ awareness towards safety in general.

Alba Management along with the support of the Alba Labour Union and Alba Trade Union are conducting safety visits to various departments and highlighting the many ways the employees can fulfil the company's “Safety Universe” expectation for the year of 2016.

Good Housekeeping is one of the themes of the ‘Safety Hour’, wherein the role of effective housekeeping in eliminating some workplace hazards was focused upon. Also, information about the appropriate and safe use of articles at work was highlighted.
Speaking on this occasion, Alba’s Chief Executive Officer, Tim Murray said:
“In Alba we want people to live and breathe safety; we want people to focus on safety in every part of their lives. In 2016, we will continue to make safety our number one priority and challenge everyone to embrace the safety universe".

The APSB commends Alba management and workers for everything they do on a daily basis to promote an environment where safety flourishes. Over the past number of years Alba has repeatedly developed new safety campaigns to promote awareness of various hazards. Simply stated, they have done a great job. Keep up the good work ALBA!

The active involvement of company management and plant management toward good housekeeping is directly related. We have toured through aluminium plants that housekeeping was not even discussed. On the other hand we have toured through plants where housekeeping was a priority and it was obvious immediately.

Normally before a tour we can observe one item and make an assumption on whether or not the plant will be clean (good housekeeping) or dirty (poor housekeeping)? Want to guess what that item is? Well, it is the condition of the footwear of plant management. If plant management have clean, polished shoes that leads us to assume (sometimes incorrectly!) that manager does not walk the factory floor on a daily basis. If plant management does not walk the factory floor on a daily basis housekeeping inevitably suffers. We acknowledge that the previous statement(s) might sound silly to your individual plant. But, in our experience an active plant manager not only benefits housekeeping but safety overall.

The Aluminium Times had an article about this same topic.

Tim Murray CEO of Alba is an active participant in promoting safety within Alba. Tim was interviewed by the Aluminium International Today regarding his thoughts and beliefs involving safety.

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