Friday, March 10, 2017

"forklift flipped over and landed on top of him...."

No matter what type of plant that we tour our main concern is being aware of where the moveable equipment is. From fork lifts, golf carts, overhead cranes, crucible transports, etc. the Aluminium Plant Safety Blog has posted incident after incident where either a pedestrian or an operator was injured or killed. Here is a recent story:

A person working at aluminium recycler died one afternoon during the week of February 19, 2017 when a forklift flipped over and landed on top of him.

The worker died of multiple blunt force trauma, local Coroner said.

The accident occurred around 3:00 p.m. when the deceased was standing near a forklift in operation, said the coroner.

The company distributes various metals for resale to mills and foundries.

Another news media reported “died of multiple blunt force trauma ….when a forklift flipped over and landed on top of him.”

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog prays for the worker’s family, friends, and coworkers. We sincerely offer our condolences on the passing of the family member, friend, and coworker.

We acknowledge that the news article said the deceased was a contractor. Which to us means little. Many companies in our industry employee “contractors” to perform routine functions. The fact that he was working as a contractor at the time of his death does not diminish in any way of the tragedy that had occurred. We hope that this incident can be used a toolbox talk about the importance of being aware of moveable equipment.

The Aluminium Times Magazine had two articles about moveable equipment.

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