Thursday, May 11, 2017

Alba launches Plant-Wide Safety Campaign "Safety Tomorrowland" !

All companies in our industry should periodically schedule safety events throughout the year. These events can be used to refocus the workers on the importance of safety or emphasize the prevention of recurrence of recent incidents, etc. One company in our industry that we are so very proud is Aluminium Bahrain or Alba. Alba safety program is known throughout our industry as well as other industries. Alba has routinely held safety campaigns throughout the year. This week Alba is holding “Safety Tomorrowland” campaign. Here is the story:

Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba), the Bahrain-based aluminium smelter, in line with its commitment to a higher safety culture, launched its plant-wide safety campaign ‘Safety Tomorrowland’ today May 08 2017 at the Oasis Hall.

The campaign was inaugurated by Alba’s Chairman of Board of Directors, Shaikh Daij Bin Salman Al Khalifa and Chief Executive Officer Tim Murray in the presence of the Executive Management, Directors and Senior Management as well as employees from different departments.

Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. Chairman of Board of Directors, Shaikh Daij Bin Salman Al Khalifa and Chief Executive Officer Tim Murray (Alba) at launch of its plant-wide safety campaign ‘Safety Tomorrowland’ today May 08 2017 at the Oasis Hall.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Alba’s Chairman Shaikh Daij said:
“Alba takes pride in providing its employees a safe place to work. As we commence Line 6 construction, Safety will remain our top priority at all times.

Adding further, CEO Tim Murray said:
“The launch of the Safety Tomorrowland campaign is another step towards our ultimate goal of a Zero-Accident work environment. Alba will continue to focus on awareness and proactive steps in order to prevent all injuries and illnesses."

The ‘Safety Tomorrowland’ campaign comes as part of the CEO’s 2017 expectations, which were highlighted during the Town Hall meetings in January 2017.

One of the Aluminium Plant Safety Blog editors had the honor to attend this week and participate in “Safety Tomorrowland”. They were so very impressed that they said “It may sound dramatic, but I am so very proud that Alba is in the aluminium industry. They have worked so very hard to facilitate an environment where safety flourishes.

“Safety Tomorrowland” was like something we had never seen (in a good way!). Oasis Hall was decorated to look like an interior of a space ship. The faces on the workers when they entered the hall was beyond description. 

The program for the week was very extensive there were presentations from Alba CEO, Alba senior management, etc. Each department was provided with busing to attend the events held throughout each day. Afterwards a department would be visited and separate presentation/roundtable discussion would be held with the department workers. Our editor gave a presentation titled “Everything We Do Is For Tomorrow.” The presentation dealt with the big picture idea that each individual no matter their current situation in their life matters to someone or too many people. It could be family, friends, co-workers. It is those individuals who would visit you in a hospital if you were injured. Or attend your funeral if you were killed. So, everything we do for today is for tomorrow. So that we will be here for tomorrow. So that we will be with our families.

To emphasize one of the key points in “Safety Tomorrowland”; which is “Safety is Now” we repeated some posts on APSB. Safety is not in 10 minutes, but now! Safety is not tomorrow, it is now! That if a worker sees another individual (e.g., fellow worker, contractor, supplier, visitor, etc.) he has to act now! If you do not act immediately that individual who is exhibiting an unsafe behavior may continue and injure or kill themselves. Or worse yet their actions could result in a coworker(s) being injured or killed. Sadly we have numerous posts on this blog where a worker may be saved from injury or death if a coworker stopped their unsafe behavior upon first observing it.

Keep up the good work Alba. You are indeed making a difference in your plant, in Bahrain, and in our industry.

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