Sunday, October 15, 2017

Alba unveils new Campaign ‘Safety in All Seasons’

The use of safety campaigns in our industry vary from company to company. For the companies who regularly schedule safety campaigns find them to be effective in motivating all of their workers and contractors on the importance of safety. Here is a recent story of an aluminium company’s recent safety campaign.

Alba unveils new Campaign ‘Safety in All Seasons’

Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C (Alba), marching ahead with its safety momentum, launched its new Safety Campaign ‘Safety in all Seasons’, today, 11 October 2017 at the Oasis Hall, Alba.

The opening was attended by Alba’s Executive Management, Directors, Managers and employees as well as representatives from various ministries and industrial organisations in Bahrain such as Ministry of Labour, BAPCO, Midal Cables and Garmco amongst others.

During his speech, Alba’s Chief Executive Officer, Tim Murray commended everyone on Alba’s super performance this year amidst tough conditions on the back of a hot summer and Line 5 crisis.

Murray said: “Alba is resilient in Safety. Our success this year is due to our belief that Safety is a requirement in everything we do in Alba.

As Line 6 progresses, we must be more aware and stay strong on our Safety principles as we are raising the bar in everything we do. Leveraging our resilience to set new industry benchmarks will be our goal for 2018.”

The Safety campaign will run until 18 October 2017 and comprises presentations by various managers and department heads on Safety.

We commend Aluminium Bahrain’s management for putting safety at the forefront of everything they do. Without a doubt their commitment has resulted in a safer work environment for their workers, contractors, and their nation too.

We congratulate all of the participants of this safety campaign too!

Keep up the good work Alba, we are so proud you!

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