Thursday, October 19, 2017

"an abrupt stop, causing aluminum beams to shift forward...."

Sometimes hazards only present themselves after a delay. It is these delayed hazards that occur frequently are found in the transportation of our raw materials or finished products. Here is a recent incident emphasizing the need to acknowledge delayed hazards.

A fatal vehicle accident occurred at about 8 a.m. one morning during the week of October 15th 2017 in the Midwest USA closing the highway for nearly three hours.

According to the State Highway Patrol, the wreck occurred when the tractor trailer made an abrupt stop, causing aluminum beams to shift forward through the front of the trailer and the rear of the tractor, impacting and pinning the driver.

The driver was pronounced dead at the scene by the local County Coroner. The body was taken to the coroner's office.

The scene was cleared and the highway was reopened about 10:55 a.m.

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog offers our sincere condolences to the deceased worker’s family, friends, and coworkers.

The APSB has posted similar incidents involving the shifting of loads on trailers. The loading of trailers varies around the globe in terms of securing the loading prior to transportation. Some aluminium companies only load the trailer (or container) and require the trucker to secure the load. While other aluminium companies load the trailer and instruct/consult the trailer on how to secure the load prior to departure. Regardless of the method all loads no matter their shape and size should be secured to the trailer prior to leaving the aluminium company premises.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has some useful information regarding proper techniques for securing all types of loads. Information can be found here.

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