Monday, October 30, 2017

"For the second time in as many days a"

Here is a recent story that could have been deadly results. Please read the following news media and see if you can catch what concerned us.

For the second time in as many days a business on the southeast side of a city in the Midwest USA has been damaged by fire.

Local firefighters were called to the company one night during the week of October 22, 2017 around 10:15 p.m.

Crews were first called to the business the day before during the evening for a fire in the front room of the building.

Tonight, crews battled smoke and flames in the front of the business near the area of the first fire. The local fire department report said firefighters initially found flames and smoke coming from the building when they arrived. Firefighters had everything under control in 24 minutes.

A department report said fire was found in a front room, along a wall, and also in the roof – similar to the previous day’s fire.

It’s unclear if a new fire started or perhaps something rekindled from the day before.
No injuries were reported.

A department report said the area of the fire had moderate fire and water damage and heavy smoke damage. The cause is under investigation.

Here is the news media story of the first fire:

Fire damaged a business one evening during the week of October 22, 2017. Local firefighters were called to the business at 5:31 p.m. Firefighters arrived after neighbors called 911 after seeing smoke coming from the building. Firefighters made entry and found fire in a front room. A fire department statement said crews were able to extinguish the fire but flames had spread to the walls and ceiling. Firefighters had to open up the walls and ceiling to put out the flames. An investigation is underway to determine what caused the fire.

A fire department report said the building sustained moderate fire damage, minor water damage, and heavy smoke damage. No injuries were reported. Fire officials said they didn’t find a working smoke detector in the building. According to the company’s website, the business makes aluminum castings for industrial and individual clients.

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog is glad no one was injured in these incidents. We hope the second fire was a result of a flareup after the first fire. Regardless, we posted this incident because the fire officials “didn’t find a working smoke detector in the building”. Thankfully no one was injured or killed because this company had zero working smoke detectors. Does your plant have working smoke detectors? If you answer yes. How do you know? Does your company have a plan to regularly test your smoke detectors? Do your plant have drills?

The National Fire Prevention Association has some great information regarding smoke detectors. Here is a link for the information.

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