Tuesday, February 13, 2018

"(load) slipped from a forklift and injured a worker’s hand.."

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog has posted incidents involving forklift trucks and pedestrians, maintenance personnel, molten metal, etc. Those interactions are acknowledge as hazards. Sometimes the hazard of lifting and moving an object is lessened or ignored. Here is a recent incident reminding us of the hazard of lifting and transporting an object:

The Ministry of Labor in Canada is investigating an industrial accident at a stamping company.

Emergency responders were called to the incident on morning during the week of January 28, 2018.

The ministry of labor says it was reported that a die allegedly slipped from a forklift and injured a worker’s hand. Emergency services were called and the worker was transported to hospital, treated and released.

A ministry inspector has been assigned and the investigation is ongoing.

We pray that the injured worker recovers fully from his injuries and is able to resume his/her duties in the near future.

There is a lack of information with this news article. Regardless, we feel that the reader can take this post back to their plant and look at their forklift trucks and imagine scenarios where a load could fall off the forks. If you do imagine a scenario you then need to prevent or mitigate that scenario from injuring or killing someone.

The Aluminium Times had an articles about forklift safety.

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