Monday, February 19, 2018

"lost three toes after his foot was crushed..."

The use of equipment for tasks that are not designed for can result in an incident. All too often forklift trucks are used for tasks that they were no designed for. Here is an incident that occurred last year emphasizes what could go wrong when you use a forklift for tasks that they were not designed for.

A worker at a welding and fabrication company in England lost three toes after his foot was crushed by falling metal, a court has heard.

The aluminium and welding company has been fined after the worker’s foot was broken when a one-tonne metal grid slipped through the forks of a forklift while he was painting the metal truck wash grids.

An investigation by the Heath & Safety Executive found that company, had failed to properly plan the task or ensure the forklift driver had received adequate training to fully operate the vehicle.

The court heard that the company had also failed to ensure a safe system of work was in place, such as the use of a sling on the forklift truck, which would have stopped the metal grid from slipping through the forks.

The company pleaded guilty to breaching Section 2 (1) of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.

The company was fined £4,400 and ordered to pay costs of £860.40.
Speaking after the hearing, HSE inspector said: "This injury could have easily been prevented had thorough planning been carried out.

"Employers should make sure they properly assess and apply effective control measures to minimise the risk from injury while operating fork lift trucks."

We pray that the injured worker is provided all of the necessary rehabilitation to continue on with his life.

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog has posted incidents in the past where incidents occurred where forklifts were used for tasks that they were not designed nor intended for.

Forks should never be used as a work platform.

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