Friday, August 2, 2019

"loaded 40 tons of aluminum parts"

The importance of safety during the transportation of our industry’s raw materials or finish product should go without saying. The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog has posted incidents involving incidents involving trucking. Here is an incident emphasizing the need for safe transportation.

The B101 at Obergruna had to remain closed for hours after an accident. A semitrailer had slipped into the side ditch at 12.30 pm on Monday afternoon. The 54-year-old driver was slightly injured in the accident, police said on Tuesday.

The main road was closed because of cleanup until Tuesday morning at 7 clock full. The truck, which had loaded 40 tons of aluminum parts, had to be unloaded first. Information on the amount of property damage is not yet available.

We pray that the trucker in this incident recovers from his injuries. We are thankful that no passing motorist was injured or killed. We have posted similar incidents involving injuries and fatalities. Too many of these transportation incidents happen on straight roads. We wonder if the driver was distracted prior to the accident.

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