Monday, October 14, 2019

"man who had fallen and had a head injury....."

The editors had been asked twice to visit an aluminum plant. We commented that none of the workers were wearing proper head protection. Our hosts told us that when the plant restarted after new management hard hats were no longer required. We offered the suggestion that all workers in the manufacturing plant should wear proper head protection. Our host said “You’re probably right, a few months ago I hit my head and the wound needed stitches to close it.” Here is a recent incident an aluminium company that requires head protection for all personnel and

A man was injured at an aluminium plant early one morning during the first week in October 2019, according to local police.

Local police and fire were called to the plant about 4:30 a.m. for a man who had fallen and had a head injury. No other details of the injury were provided.

The aluminium company provided the following statement:
“We can confirm that an employee was taken to the hospital after sustaining injuries resulting from a work-related incident. Our thoughts are with our colleague and his family, and we offer them our support during this difficult time.”

Police said there is no criminal investigation right now.

We pray that the injured worker recovers from his injuries.

In our experience head injuries can occur for a myriad of reasons when workers are wearing a hard hat or other type of head protection. Most commonly incidents occur when the worker trips, falls, etc. and the head protection falls off. The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog posted an incident where a worker walking down three steps tripped and fell. While following the worker’s hard hat came off and the worker hit their head. The worker succumb to their injuries a few day later.

Remember the importance of holding onto a handrail when walking up or down stairs.

The Aluminium Times magazine had an article on this topic. It can be downloaded here:

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