Thursday, October 10, 2019

"contractor fatally injured by serious accident at work...."

The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog have been posting more and more incidents involving electrical arcs or shocks over the past few years. Here is a recent incident.

Fatal accident at an (European city).

  • Employee of a contractor fatally injured by serious accident at work
  • Crisis intervention team looks after affected colleagues
  • No danger to neighbors or the environment
  • Consternation and dismay throughout (aluminium company)

At the aluminium plant in Europe, a fatal accident at work took place on one day during the first week of September 2019 in the foundry area.

During maintenance work, an employee of a specialist company commissioned by the aluminium company for switchgear severely suffered an electric shock and died of his injuries at the scene of the accident.

Since (a day earlier) maintenance work on a smelting furnace has been carried out, whereby all safety training courses have been carried out comprehensibly in advance.

"We are deeply disturbed and affected by this tragic accident and mourn with the relatives," said aluminium company ceo. "It was and is our ultimate goal that anyone who enters our factory premises can leave it unhurt again. We will do everything we can to clarify the causes that led to the accident without delay. The most important thing, however, is currently looking after the colleagues of the casualty. Our deep sympathy goes to the relatives. "

The colleagues of the casualty are mentally cared for by a crisis intervention team of the Red Cross.

Facilities or other technical equipment were not damaged in the accident. At no time was there any danger to the residents or the environment.

At present, a team of experts consisting of plant managers and representatives of the authorities is busy clarifying the exact causes.

We offer our sincere condolences to the deceased worker’s family, friends, and coworkers. We commend the company for issuing a press release on this contractor fatality.

The information from the press release is limited but does state that the worker died from an electrical shock. We will update this story as further information becomes available. The Aluminium Times had an article about this hazard it can be found here: 

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