Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Plant manager and safety manager plead guilty to federal crimes.....

We have followed this story for over seven years. The aluminium company pled guilty to federal charges and was placed on probation and fined. The remaining charges for the plant manager and safety manager were set to go to trial. Here is some new information regarding this story which involved a fatality and a worker being severely burned.

A plea deal has been reached and sentencing is set for two former supervisors at a plant in the USA where a worker was killed.

The two will be sentenced later this month on obstruction charges involving the 2012 death of a worker at Aluminum extrusion company.

Both men entered guilty pleas in July to one count of obstruction of justice in a three-count indictment alleging both managers obstructed justice during the investigation into the death of an employee at the plant.

The employee died when two metal racks fell on him and another worker. The other worker survived the accident.

Federal prosecutors say both defendants knew about safety deficiencies in the equipment and did not turn over all email exchanges referencing those deficiencies to investigators.

One individual will be sentenced during the 2nd week in October. While the other will be sentenced the 3rd week of October.

We will update this story when the workers are sentenced. We pray that this case and the subsequent prosecution will remind managers in the USA that they can be personally held accountable for incidents in their plant.

We anticipate that the defendants will be fined and sentenced to prison. In the USA federal prison sentences require that 80% be served prior to being released for good behavior. Because these individuals waited to make a deal with the prosecutors. We would expect them to receive a sentence longer in length than if they immediately pleaded guilty up the charges being filed.

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