Monday, December 23, 2019

"a man fell from a height...."

The importance of use a safety harness when working above the ground cannot be underestimated. The Aluminium Plant Safety Blog has posted countless incidents involving fatalities over the history of this blog. Here is a recent incident involving working at height:

In Russia, a contractor was killed at an aluminum plant. When performing work, a man fell from a height. On this fact, the (pertinent government safety organization) will carry out an audit. The accident occurred one day in May 2019. The 53-year-old employee of a contracting organization while performing work, was injured, from which he died. A special commission has been created to clarify the causes and circumstances of the incident. An investigation is being carried out into the incident, - commented on the evening in the press service of the aluminium company. A check on the death of a man is also carried out in the investigative department in (local city). According to preliminary data, the man died, tearing himself from a height during the performance of work.

We offer our sincere condolences to the deceased worker’s family, friends, and coworkers. We pray that his family and friends pain will ease overtime and they can remember how their loved one lived not how he died.

Incidents involve working at heights occurs for a myriad of reasons including but not limited to the following: Not wearing a safety harness, not attached to a fixed point, failure of fixed point to hold the worker’s weight when they fall, etc. We will update this story as more information comes forth.

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