Sunday, November 22, 2020

" Covid-19 has infected 19 people at a factory..."


How company’s educated their worker regarding COVID-19 will have a direct effect on if the virus is introduced to their workplace and to what severity it will spread. Here is a recent incident that leads one to believe that there was spread within a workplace:

An outbreak of Covid-19 has infected 19 people at a factory in Europe one day during the last week of October 2020.

It comes as local city’s director of Public Health warned (city name omitted) was on the brink of having further restrictions imposed.

Meanwhile, the neighbouring (names omitted) two boroughs is expected to be moved up from Tier 1 into Tier 2 of the government's coronavirus regulations.

All positive cases at the aluminium company are self-isolating for at least 10 days and contacts are isolating for 14 days.

The metal manufacturer is working with (city name omitted) Council and Public Health to manage the situation.

A spokesperson for the aluminium company said: “We confirm that 19 employees from our site have tested positive and are now self-isolating.

“Local health department and (city name omitted) Council have been informed and we would like to stress that our procedures for dealing with Covid-19 follow best practice as set down by the Health and Safety Executive.

“The health, safety and wellbeing of our staff is our number one priority, and (aluminium company) has introduced strong Covid-secure measures across the site.”

At this time all infected workers should have left quarantine. We pray that all of recovered fully from their illness and none of them have any prolonged symptoms.

The challenge to our industry regarding COVID-19 are two issues, prevent the introduction of the virus in our workplace, and prevent the spread within our workplace. The editors of the blog have been busy writing safety articles on this topic. Here are just a few:


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